435 ordspråk av Charlie Weis

Charlie Weis

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 This was a no sweat day. This was kind of anti-climactic to sit up there, wondering how everything is going to happen. Everything just kind of fell in line. They faxed, they called, we talked to them, we'd move on. I have to say, down the road, this is probably smooth sailing. What it really allowed us to do is we're going to need to have another killer class next year. It allowed us to really get a big jump start on next year's class.

 This was a slugfest; a street fight, ... If you're waiting for me to say it was a good loss, you won't hear that here. Losing is losing. There are no moral victories.

 This was rough for him,

 This week is really going to be about us getting back to fixing our own problems fundamentally and technically, ... That's why we're going to go spend time on detail starting today.

 Too many rinky-dink penalties, ... and they were justified.

 Trust me, you don't have to worry about my mood with the players because it will be very matter of fact.

 Two thirds of the time they were using pressure.

 Usually when you throw a fade route into Two Tampa, the odds of success are not very high.

 We both acknowledged that it's been a little bit of a circus. I think in a very cordial, friendly way, ... I think we were both glad to get to the kickoff and get it over with because no matter how hard you try, you know what it's going to be about. We got to share a little chuckle together, because we were both thinking the exact same thing.

 We definitely spent a good amount of time watching that,

 We didn't deserve to win. If we were to deserve to win, I'd feel worse.

 We dinked and dunked a little bit, then we threw the ball behind them a little bit, ... It was a combination of the two.

 We don't put anything in the offense that the quarterback can't handle, ... We don't put anything in the offense that the quarterback doesn't like. If we put something in the game plan and he doesn't like it, I throw it out.

 We felt we needed a slashing runner to complement Darius' style of running. We game-planned him early to be heavily in the mix. He knew he was going to get a bunch of carries in this game.

 We got through a bunch of plays today with minimal mistakes, (and) for the first day, I was happy the way it turned out. I'm glad we decided to practice the way we did last week, right up until Friday. You could see they were not rusty. That was a good first day.

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