189 ordspråk av Colin Montgomerie

Colin Montgomerie

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 Then I wasn't concentrating on what I was doing and missed the putt.

 There tends to be a lot of worldwide players coming through now, more than ever, international players coming through. And since Tiger - he's old, he's in his 30s - there hasn't really been that progression that you might have thought after him here. It seems to have taken place internationally more than it has in the States.

 There was no admission of guilt in making a gesture of that kind. That was a gesture on my behalf because I wasn't happy with what I saw. That was my personal gesture and no admission of guilt.

 There's a few people cursing their luck now. But you have to beat Tiger. If he stays fit and healthy ... he has 10 of these majors now, and we all know Jack had 18. Can he achieve the impossible? He's on his way.

 There's much more strength in depth than there's ever been.

 There's nothing wrong with my game. I just hit my shot a bit heavy (at the 17th), unfortunately, and Sergio had a great finish.

 There's nothing wrong with my game.  It's just that Sergio had a great finish.

 This is a big opportunity for me for the Order of Merit and also Ryder Cup points,

 This is a very exciting time to have the Austrian Open back on the schedule,

 This is a very, very difficult course. Our most difficult course in Europe to score on and I'm delighted to be nine-under par. Experience counts here.

 This is the most I've traveled in my life this year -- by far.

 This is what it's all about - competition, and I thrive on competition. I'm a very, very competitive person, and I'm glad its come down to this. I'll shake his hand on the first tee and I'll shake his hand on the 18th green, but between those handshakes we are competitors and we'll be trying to beat each other as much as possible.

 This means more to me than most.

 This was a long time coming and you don't know if the next win's going to come,

 Tiger is usually very good. He's one of the Americans who do travel. There's a few Americans that don't but they have a choice. We're all self-employed and we can play in any tournament we wish to play in.

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