189 ordspråk av Colin Montgomerie

Colin Montgomerie

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 You can't putt anything but spectacularly here to win, unfortunately. [But] we feel the best putter in the world is the best player in the world, and that's why he's got four of these things already.

 You come here with so many pressures that to score nine-under after two rounds is some result, ... I made it look easy out there but it wasn't, I can assure you. In fact, it was bloody hard.

 You go where the money is.

 You put up a last place of £60,000. If that's not enough what else is there really? I don't know what you do. You're given a lovely home here with a chef and a first class airfare. There isn't much more you can do.

 You think no bogeys, that's the good thing, ... No bogeys, that's what I'm interested in.

 You'll see a lot of people using two drivers now.

 [But] If I thought my best golf was behind me I would not enter tournaments. I would not bother - I would go into other areas.

 [Courageously, they won 15 and a half of the next 23 points and seven out of yesterday's 10 singles.] Thursday brought us closer together, ... This is the best team I've been involved with in the five years it has been going.

 [That was something in itself, though, as neither had been in great form here and Dredge in particular had been a sorry figure with nothing but defeats to his name and a 15th-club penalty on Friday to his shame.] I was really happy for Bradley, ... Everybody got at least a point.

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