Humanity is exalted not because we are so far above other living creatures, but because knowing them well elevates the very concept of life. |
Humanity is part of nature, a species that evolved among other species. The more closely we identify ourselves with the rest of life, the more quickly we will be able to discover the sources of human sensibility and acquire the knowledge on which an enduring ethic, a sense of preferred direction, can be built. |
I am an optimist by nature. But I have to admit, it's getting kind of scary. |
I saw it as a splendid opportunity to trace his intellectual development, starting with the voyage aboard the Beagle, ... He hit upon natural selection at a fairly early stage and his life was really one long argument about the questions it raised. |
I saw it as a splendid opportunity to trace his intellectual development, starting with the voyage aboard the Beagle. He hit upon natural selection at a fairly early stage and his life was really one long argument about the questions it raised. |
If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos. |
If insemination were the sole biological function of sex, it could be achieved far more economically in a few seconds of mounting and insertion. Indeed, the least social of mammals mate with scarcely more ceremony. The species that have evolved long-term bonds are also, by and large, the ones that rely on elaborate courtship rituals. . . . Love and sex do indeed go together. |
If those committed to the quest fail, they will be forgiven. When lost, they will find another way. The moral imperative of humanism is the endeavor alone, whether successful or not, provided the effort is honorable and failure memorable. |
In a purely technical sense, each species of higher organism is richer in information than a Caravaggio painting, Bach fugue, or any other great work of art. |
In the end ... success or failure will come down to an ethical decision, one on which those now living will be judged for generations to come. |
It doesn't matter whether you believe Darwin got it right or that the Genesis story is literally true. We can all agree that, however it got here, the living creation — on which we all depend for our existence — is something we don't want to see destroyed. |
It's like having astronomy without knowing where the stars are. |
It's obvious that the key problem facing humanity in the coming century is how to bring a better quality of life -- for 8 billion or more people -- without wrecking the environment entirely in the attempt. |
Most children have a bug period, and I never grew out of mine. |
Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction. |