In the past year, Americans have been shocked and some certainly disgusted by revelations of corruption to our system. It has shaken public confidence in the Congress and our entire federal government. |
Instead of talking about ways to save Social Security, Republicans are talking about a plan that will destroy it. |
Instead, he cherry picked isolated examples of Iraq's reconstruction from two cities that provide an inaccurate and incomplete picture of the situation on the ground for most Iraqis. |
Instead, the nominee adopted what I consider a disingenuous strategy of suggesting that the views expressed in the memos were not his views, even at the time the memos were written. |
It cannot be understated that by accepting our amendment, both the Republican leader and the chairman of the Armed Services Committee agree that the administration needs to come forward and explain to Congress and the American people its strategy for success and completing our mission in faraway Iraq. |
It could get to the president's desk next week, providing we approach it with a sense of urgency, which it requires, |
It is a decision that will bring hope to millions of Americans. I know there's still a long ways to go with the legislation, but a large step has been taken by the majority leader today ... and I admire the majority leader for doing it. |
It is especially important to identify a consensus candidate to succeed Justice O'Connor, who has been a voice of reason and moderation. |
It is his runaway budget and trade deficits, billions spent on tax giveaways, backwards-looking energy plan designed by and for special interests, and inaction during this country's health care crisis that have created a myriad of problems for our children's generation. |
It is no better than even money either way. |
It is no surprise that the Republican-controlled Senate intelligence committee has once again caved in to the wishes of the White House and refused even to open an investigation. We cannot effectively legislate on the NSA spying issue if we do not know the facts, and we will not know them if the Republican-controlled intelligence committee persists in refusing to do its job. |
It is not enough to remove Mr. Brown from the disaster scene, |
It is not enough to remove Mr. Brown from the disaster scene. Mr. Brown simply doesn't have the ability or the experience to oversee a coordinated federal response of this magnitude. |
It is unfortunate the president made such a divisive nomination. |
It makes no sense to consider such a bill at a time when the massive needs of those affected by Hurricane Katrina are still being assessed. |