345 ordspråk av Jim Mora

Jim Mora

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 We have 22 starters. We still have some things we need, but we don't feel the pressure to go out and get someone who can compete for a starting job.

 We have to make sure we pick the correct 53. Tomorrow will be a long, tough day.

 We just love playing at home, ... We were talking about how sometimes on the road we come out a little flat and he said, 'You know, with our crowd, we could be asleep 30 seconds before we go on the field and because of the energy, we would still get pumped up.' So that's how our guys feel about playing at home.

 We just love playing at home. We were talking about how sometimes on the road we come out a little flat and he said, 'You know, with our crowd, we could be asleep 30 seconds before we go on the field and because of the energy, we would still get pumped up.' So that's how our guys feel about playing at home.

 We need him catching the ball and hitting it up in there. And with Roddy being out, he'll get more chances. We haven't put our plan together ... but I wouldn't be surprised if takes them all.

 We never really know what a team's philosophy is going to be coming into a game against us. Knowing (Seattle coaches) Ray Rhodes and John Marshall the way I do ... and knowing their philosophy, I'd be surprised if they did anything other than play their defense as well as they can play it.

 We play within the rules. Yes, we cut, but we emphasize and teach fair play. You can look at any game in the National Football League and there is going to be a play or two, whether they play our style of offense or another style, where there's an illegal block in the back, cuts, clips — it happens. We never, ever ask our guys to do anything illegal or to hurt anybody. We're not out to hurt anybody.

 We played a good, solid game. There were a lot of things we could've done better. But we're proud that we came away with the win. That's the bottom line.

 We simplified it a little bit and paid a little more attention to detail.

 We started talking about this long before the collapse. I'm just grateful that Arthur has shown this confidence in me.

 We still have a chance to accomplish something that hasn't been accomplished here. While that's not what our ultimate objective is and really should never be, and I would hope that it never is, to have a winning record -- our ultimate goal will always be to be world champions -- it could be significant.

 We stopped the run, so we earned the right to rush the passer.

 We struggled on third-and-short this year more than we ever had, ... I think we have had four that we haven't converted. We have struggled a little bit on third-and-long. That's what brought our numbers way down. We need to be better on third-and-short right now. That's the key thing.

 We struggled to stop the run. Matt Hasselbeck got into a rhythm. We were having trouble getting first downs and they really controlled the second quarter.

 We were feeling good about ourselves on the road. The defenses have something to do with it — playing the No. 1 and No. 3 defenses — but that's not a great excuse. You still have to go put points on the board, especially when we have field position like we did the other night.

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