345 ordspråk av Jim Mora

Jim Mora

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 When you've got Ronnie and him out there, there's a real comfort zone because they're both so smart. They understand the game and they take care of the people around them. That's a real attribute you look for.

 Whether he starts or not, I don't know if the impact he has on our team will change. I think it's going to be just as dramatic, whether he's a starter or not. He's just that type of player. He rallies guys. He is a pro. He's a man. Demorrio Williams played well, too. Ike played a lot at inside linebacker and that's where he practiced today. Ike is very versatile. He can play any of those three positions.

 Why would you ever believe me right now? ... I wouldn't. I don't want you to though.

 You become consistent when you stay the course. You remain consistent with your coaching staff. ... You stay with the same schemes, so the players get repetition doing it over and over again.

 You can make a case either way if you want to. He's not even close to his potential, nor is he done learning.

 You hate to lose a player like Kevin because he brings so much to the team on the field and in the locker room. We have to find a way to go on and not make excuses.

 You kind of pull and try to open a lane, to create a gap for somebody behind you. I didn't see it.

 You know, my philosophy on injuries is they happen. I feel bad for the kid, but we have to do what's best for us and move on.

 You put it in your pocket and you get on the plane as fast as you can and you get home. And that's what we're going to do.

 You're liable to see something you've never ever seen before.

 [After throwing 14 interceptions in his first six games, Manning completed 18 of 30 passes for 231 yards and three touchdowns in a losing effort.] Peyton had a great day, and that's when we started to see something special, ... There were still some down times, but frankly he got through it better than I thought he would. The first off-season is crucial. Quarterbacks get a lot of work in between the first and second year. That's when you really ought to start seeing something, by the second year.

 [And what can he teach cornerbacks who are used to grabbing the receiver's jersey at the seven or eight-yard mark?] You've got to teach them to have a short memory, ... So they can get to the next down.

 [Mora, after seven years as a 49ers assistant, returned to San Francisco for his first NFL game.] When the schedule came out and I saw that, I laughed, ... I knew everyone would try to make that game about me, which was silly. Hey, I've played my dad four times. Now that's something. It's an awful day, win or lose. Someone in the Mora family is guaranteed to lose, and that's an awful day.

 [Said Mora:] No excuses from our side. We have to play better, ... We have got to start fast. We have done that in the past, and that's how we will do it again.

 [With WR Dez White (hamstring) possibly sidelined for Week 3, WR Roddy White may get his first NFL start.] It seems like good timing, ... This could be the week for him to take off a little bit.

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