325 ordspråk av John Ashcroft

John Ashcroft

John Ashcroft föddes den May 9th 1942
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 From the first days of our administration, honoring the diversity of the American people has been a priority for President Bush and for me,

 From the outset the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other federal authorities have provided virtually all the resources that would be necessary and appropriate and could be used effectively,

 full and candid accounting.

 grotesque transgressions of the public trust.

 He intentionally selected his victims because of his hatred of women and homosexuals,

 He tried to come to the United States three times and we believe it could well have been that he wanted to be the 20th hijacker,

 He wants America to be intimidated away from liberty and paralyzed so that we would be fearful instead of free. I reject that. I believe the American people reject it,

 He's established a reformation which will allow us to consolidate the terrorism information in Washington, to see where these pieces fit together, to use the electronic analysis, the data processing as well as human analysis, to get that done.

 He's grabbed the agency. He has begun to shift the culture, ... Larry King Live.

 His speech Monday marked the effective end of the Clinton presidency, ... Statements by both Republicans and Democrats make it increasingly clear that this president has lost his moral authority to govern.

 holds the best promise for us of preventing terrorist attacks.

 Human trafficking victims are too often people like Got. Too young, too frightened, and too trapped in their circumstances to speak for themselves, ... This is a 4-year-old child. He's a shy, tender little boy.

 I am confident ... that very serious effort is being given not only to the tape itself and whether or not it might represent the voice of bin Laden, but also to the content of the tape and what might be signaled in the wording of the tape,

 I am especially concerned that these criminal aliens may re-enter and prey upon immigrant communities within the United States,

 I am grateful for the opportunity to announce this unprecedented agreement between the Justice Department and the city of Cincinnati that improves law enforcement and helps prevent the kind of tragic deaths of citizens and police officers that have caused so much pain in Cincinnati during the past several years,

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