352 ordspråk av John Roberts

John Roberts

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 [Senator Leahy asked him,] Do you now personally agree with and accept as binding law the reasoning of Justice White's opinion in Franklin v. Gwinnett? ... It certainly was a precedent of the court that I would apply under principles of stare decisis.

 [She was, she said, disappointed when Roberts was asked by another Democrat whether] he agreed that there is a 'general' right to privacy provided in the Constitution. ... I wouldn't use the phrase 'general,' because I don't know what that means.

 [Snapped panel Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa.:] They may be misleading, but they are his answers. ... With respect, they are my answers, and ... they are not misleading.

 [The french fry case hit John Whitehead's buttons. A Charlottesville lawyer whose Rutherford Institute fights for civil liberties from a conservative perspective, Whitehead took on Ansche's case, arguing that the government had gone too far. The matter wound up in the U.S. Court of Appeals, and Roberts's decision last fall shows him to be a witty writer with the confidence to show some heart. He seems pleased that after] the sort of publicity reserved for adults who make young girls cry, ... Ever been arrested?

 [The law] does, by its terms, impose a duty on the president, ... The nature of the duty is admittedly very vague.

 [The previous Supreme Court nominees] took a very strict approach. I have taken what I think is a very more pragmatic approach and said, 'If I don't think that's likely to come before the court, I will comment on it,' ... And, again, perhaps that is subject to criticism because it is difficult to draw the line sometimes, but I wanted to be able to share as much as I can with the committee in response to the concerns you and others have expressed, and so I have adopted that approach.

 [This statement is patently absurd on its face. MALDEF seeks to equate its own controversial political agenda with] justice for Latinos. ... Without a doubt, skyrocketing litigation costs have come at the expense of programs that should be helping needy and needful Americans.

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