226 ordspråk av Ken Bacon

Ken Bacon

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 We could have part of an enabling force on the ground in Kosovo within several days of a decision to do so.

 We did attack a Yugoslav army unit in central Kosovo that's been involved in some of the ethnic cleansing activities. We also attacked a major ammunition dump in Kosovo.

 we don't believe that there'll be any problem with meeting the time lines.

 We don't know whether it'll be twice as large or three times as large or 50 percent as large as we initially planned.

 We don't know why they have moved these troops or exactly what they plan to do with these troops that they have marshaled around the borders.

 We feel that this is an area where a nuclear war is possible if people don't show restraint, and it's an area where the damage would be extraordinary because of the large populations of these two countries.

 We have a worldwide mission to perform, and we are not going to stop performing that mission. We can never eliminate the risk, but we can take steps to reduce the risk.

 We have analyzed yesterday's information and found that an AGM-130 (missile) did miss its target and explode in a residential neighborhood several kilometers from its target.

 we have increased military pay and benefits and increased money for arms procurement and training.

 We have not degraded it to that point. But we're only in the second day.

 We have not yet seen signs that Serbian troops or special police forces or paramilitary are moving out, but we've certainly seen preparations for moving out,

 We have not yet seen signs that Serbian troops or special police forces or paramilitary are moving out, but we've certainly seen preparations for moving out.

 We have taken a lot of steps not only to arrest the decline in military spending, but in fact to reverse it.

 We have very robust, well-trained combat search and rescue teams available to search for them.

 We no longer deploy those land mines. We no longer make them, and we no longer export land mines of any sort.

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