226 ordspråk av Ken Bacon

Ken Bacon

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 We think that the Operation Southern Watch and Northern Watch have been able to debilitate Saddam Hussein's air defenses quite a lot ... For one thing, we think that he's largely afraid to use his top of the line air defense systems, for fear of losing them to our patrolling airplanes.

 We would take almost any reasonable action before reaching a point of having to make a decision about destroying an American plane over American air space.

 We're doing all that. We think it's good that Governor Bush wants to continue these programs.

 We're going to need a larger KFOR, and we want it deployed to Macedonia as quickly as possible, ... Should there be a peace agreement quickly, as we hope, we need a force that's ready to go in and help the refugees get back as the Serb forces pull out.

 We're going to need a larger KFOR, and we want it deployed to Macedonia as quickly as possible. Should there be a peace agreement quickly, as we hope, we need a force that's ready to go in and help the refugees get back as the Serb forces pull out.

 We're looking at ways to improve the quality of life, ... Beyond pay and retirement, one is medical care, and that's a box that is yet to be checked, but it's something that the secretary and the chairman are working on, and I would hope that we'd have something to say about medical care relatively soon. But that's a work in progress.

 We're watching it very carefully, ... We have certainly seen signs that (Saddam Hussein is) attempting to reconstruct his air defense abilities north of the 32nd parallel.

 We're watching it very carefully. We have certainly seen signs that (Saddam Hussein is) attempting to reconstruct his air defense abilities north of the 32nd parallel.

 We've certainly seen preparations for moving out.

 Weeks have gone by with no coordination whatsoever, which has made it very difficult for the humanitarian relief organizations to get organized, to figure out exactly what they should be doing to maximum humanitarian advantage,

 What kind of person would use humans as shields?

 What we have seen is extremely active activity by (Iraq's) air defense system,

 When the secretary sat down and looked at all of these openings...he felt that Ralston would bring the same qualifications to the job that General Clark did.

 You have to remember,

 [Asked whether the U.S. military is as] strong and capable ... Well, the military is about the same size, a little smaller, and I would say it is more capable.

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