139 ordspråk av Michael Redd

Michael Redd

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 Iverson's phenomenal. He's one of the few guys in the NBA who's unstoppable.

 Just keep shooting. That's what I do - keep shooting.

 Lots of fun. It was probably our best performance of the year offensively. We really, really scored the ball. That was a great performance. I don't know if I've seen a shooting performance like that. Period.

 Mo is big, Charlie (Bell) is big and Joe is big. To have all three of them healthy at the same time, with the core group we have, is going to take a lot of pressure off all of us.

 My shooting performance was not so good, but my confidence is still there. I have high standards for myself.

 Not to put down last year's team, ... but we got better.

 Obviously our talent pool has picked up from a year ago. We got more talent this year. Nothing against last year's team but ya know certain guys came to the team and now we got the pieces where we can make a run.

 Oh, yeah, naturally it's going to be disappointing,

 Once we got in (overtime), we knew we were going to win this game. We could not lose this game. It was a game that we needed very bad.

 Our destiny is in our hands a little bit. We control what we do.

 Our team did a great job of hanging around until the last minute so when we had to make a 3, we'd be in the game still,

 Our whole identity is to push the basketball, and that's what he does best. Once he gets in the open court, his creativity takes over, and we're better off by doing that.

 Personally, I think it should have been nothing. At the end of the game, I think that (call) should be let go.

 Starting out fast was key. That was big. We really didn't let them have a run throughout the game. Tonight felt really good. It showed what can happen when we start out fast.

 T.J.'s smaller than him, so he tried to take advantage of that.

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