139 ordspråk av Michael Redd

Michael Redd

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 This was a playoff game for us. The intensity was there for us. This is (inexcusable), playing at home like this. It must change.

 Those signs are the real deal. They're our standard and what we strive for in every game.

 To average 30 against Detroit, that's a slap in their face. They're not going to take that.

 Tonight we just said we needed a win bad. Desperately. Philly is losing. The other teams are losing, and we have to take advantage of this.

 Washington needed this game and we needed it as well. Fortunately we got the win. We control our destiny. Hopefully we can continue this in the next four games.

 We came into practice (Tuesday) very encouraged about the win. We didn't even talk about how we finished the game. We stayed positive.

 We can beat anybody. It's just a matter of how we're going to play that night.

 We can beat anybody. It's just a matter of how we're going to play that night. We've got to come in with the confidence we can beat this team. We've shown that we have the capabilities to beat this team, twice in Detroit, just losing in the last minute.

 We did a good job (in the second half). This is a game we had to have.

 We did it a couple years ago with T.J.. I'm excited about that. I think it'll create easy opportunities for us to score.

 We didn't make shots at the end of the game when we really needed it. We played extremely well for 36 minutes of the game, but at the end of the game they really took over.

 We get up for the good teams.

 We had no execution in the fourth and that really hurt us. That's a championship team, and they played like it.

 We had to get this win tonight. We played with a sense of urgency.

 We have to buckle down and play for our lives.

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