139 ordspråk av Michael Redd

Michael Redd

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 We want to be better than where we are. The fifth spot is what our goal is right now but it is tight. It is a matter of us winning games down the stretch. Maybe we can get a three- or four-game winning streak going.

 We were all surprised by it, and we all had fun with it.

 We were determined to start off well. Loved it. We need that every night.

 We were re-evaluating ourselves, that's all. It was a disappointing loss. We beat this team about a month and a half ago, two months ago. ... We played them fairly well through the first half of the game and they blew it open in the second half too much.

 We'll see what happens. Hopefully we can get something worked out.

 We're coming to win a game.

 We're going home now and hopefully that will help. It's a different environment. This (The Palace) is a tough place to play. Hopefully we can get home and we will be able to ante-up for Game 3.

 We're going to try to put a bigger guy on him and have T.J. chase around Rip (Richard Hamilton) a little bit more.

 We're starting off slow (in the fourth quarter). The first couple minutes we just floundered away. It's happened to us the last few nights. We cannot afford to do that.

 We've been hit by the injury bug quite often this year, and it's kind of slowed us down a little bit. We still have a good record (15-11). . . We just have to persevere through it. We have enough talent to still win.

 We've got to move on now and deal where we're at. We're in the playoffs, that's a good thing. If we weren't, that would be a bad thing.

 We've kind of fell off in the fourth quarter of the last three games, so it felt good to get a lead and hang on to it.

 We've made a living on coming back on teams this season, so I'm thinking, 'Here we go again.

 Whenever I got the ball, I had two or three guys around me. They were really concentrating on me, to shut me down.

 Wow, I didn't know we were up that much. I knew we were up a lot. It's frustrating to lose this game, especially a game we had to have. Washington lost tonight so we could have made up ground.

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