Camille came inland about a mile and a half. Katrina's awesome strength moved inland for several miles and hit several communities up to Jackson. |
He talks with his feet. |
He was one of the most humble, kindest men I've ever met. He was able to relate to everybody. |
He's probably got the quickest feet you've ever seen. He makes (opponents) commit then he walks around (them). The biggest thing he does is he loves to pass. |
He's really an assistant coach out there. |
I think it's a push to show people what a lighted game would look like. |
It's helped a lot. It really made a change. |
People know me more as his brother now, even though I'm older by seven years. But he's certainly more famous than I am, and we're a close family, so I'm proud of it. |
rode out (hurricane) Camille (in 1969) when I was 20 years old. |
Strategy is a style of thinking, a conscious and deliberate process, an intensive implementation system, the science of insuring future success. |
The DRA is investing infrastructure and transportation because many towns were impacted by Katrina. |
The governor said the positive side of Katrina is that Mississippi has an unprecedented opportunity to develop a Mississippi Renaissance. |
The governor said we are getting ready to enter the two driest months of the year and will all of the dead trees lying around, they will be like kindling to start forest fires. |
The purpose of this planting was to hold soil where it is and keep it from going to the coast. If you can keep it from washing out, you've got plenty of topsoil. |
There was no sign of life from the devastation left by Katrina. |