[The most recent addition of film music record labels, Mellowdrama Records, is run by Rick Clark who is also a Silva Screen's producer. He is a bit more reserved when it comes to the impact of the deal.] Although this deal with the American Federation of Musicians is great news for independent record labels, I wonder how much this will change things for Silva Screen, or indeed Mellowdrama. Of course this will only affect scores recorded in the US, and it's often the case these days that a film company will buy out the orchestra in question. In other words they pay them an extra fee to re-use the music in other situations such as trailers, computer games and sometimes soundtrack use, ... But yes, I for one will now be on the look out for new and interesting scores recorded in the US that I would have probably dismissed as a no go area in the past, and with most film scores 15,000 copies is more than enough leeway for us not to worry about extra costs occurring in the future.