344 ordspråk av Saeb Erakat

Saeb Erakat

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 We don't want a meeting for the sake of the meeting. We need a meeting with substance.

 We don't want an escalation of violence, ... We have paid highly as Palestinians from violence.

 We don't want to go back to this vicious cycle. We've been there before. Israelis and Palestinians will pay the heaviest price if the cessation of violence is undermined.

 We don't want to meet just for the sake of meeting. We want a well-prepared meeting with an extensive agenda focusing on all the current issues.

 We had five days of intensive talks. It's been tough, it's been difficult.

 We have a U.S. administration that's seeking to see the process as crisis management here and there. They're not telling Mr. Netanyahu to stop it.

 We have always condemned attacks targeting civilians, whether Palestinian or Israelis. Such attacks harm Palestinian interests. We call upon all Palestinians to abide by the cessation of violence.

 We have left no stone unturned, and we have come a long way. And we, as Palestinians, appreciate very much the efforts that are exerted and were exerted by President Clinton.

 We have said we are willing to exert every possible effort to know who's behind it because it's absolutely contradicting the policies of Arafat and the Palestinian Authority to smuggle arms,

 We have submitted a few (requests for) clarifications to the American side, because this agreement at the end of the day will be an agreement of details, whether they are geographic maps or details of substance of the agreements,

 We have submitted a few (requests for) clarifications to the American side, because this agreement at the end of the day will be an agreement of details, whether they are geographic maps or details of substance of the agreements, ... We are not seeking to have a declaration of principles. We are seeking the reach of a comprehensive agreement.

 We have submitted a few (requests for) clarifications to the American side, because this agreement at the end of the day will be an agreement of details, whether they are geographic maps or details of substance of the agreements. We are not seeking to have a declaration of principles. We are seeking the reach of a comprehensive agreement.

 We have the full right to say that May 4 is a date to be respected. But at the same time, if the world comes to us with 'What are you going to do on May 4?' we say the question should be addressed by all those who signed the agreement.

 We have to see a day without Palestinian funerals. These attacks against Palestinians ... it must end. The government of Israel is dancing according to the rhythm of Israeli settlers and extremists. This must stop and it's all in Israeli hands.

 We have to stop the cycle of violence through a meaningful peace process.

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