344 ordspråk av Saeb Erakat

Saeb Erakat

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 We hold the Israeli government fully responsible. This will lead to more violence and bloodshed.

 We hold the Israeli government responsible for this terrorist attack, ... The settlers usually work under the protection of the Israeli army. We demand their immediate arrest and trial.

 We hope that the Israeli government will take into account that the torpedoing of the peace process, of the collapse of the peace process, will really harm not only the Palestinians, but also the Israelis and it will harm the whole region,

 We hope this operation will not affect the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and the efforts to ensure the cooldown.

 We hope this reform will be helped and encouraged by stopping the attempts at reform that the Israeli occupation constitutes.

 We hope this will not be the case.

 We hope to solve these differences and open this terminal for everyone, not just Palestinians.

 We hope we don't need to engage in such negotiations over this issue. I hope Israelis would show sensitivity.

 We insist that the disengagement from Gaza must be part of the 'road map' and not an alternative to it.

 We must come out of this summit with total cessation of Israeli attacks on us, with lifting of the siege and with an international commission of inquiry, and we want to ensure that the attacks with the choppers and tanks will not be repeated,

 We must come out of this summit with total cessation of Israeli attacks on us, with lifting of the siege and with an international commission of inquiry, and we want to ensure that the attacks with the choppers and tanks will not be repeated.

 We need between three to six months. I am not going to specify the periods now because we have an international committee actually involving the European Union, the United States, Canada, Japan and Norway who work with us in the local government elections. I will convene this committee as soon as possible.

 We really hope that very soon, and very, very soon, we'll see an end to this chapter of process and that there'll soon be a new beginning called substance and implementation.

 We really urge the Israeli side to expedite the measures calling for the release of prisoners, in order to remove the causes that led to the situation in the streets.

 We regret this decision, which will mean a political vacuum and further escalation on the ground, and we do believe that, for the sake of the Middle East people, the international community should have focused on reviving the peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis, and not on war against Iraq.

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