344 ordspråk av Saeb Erakat

Saeb Erakat

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 What Mr. Peres said about settlements, I think there is a game of deceit there ... 20 percent of Gaza is reserved for the two to 3,000 settlers among the 1.2 million Palestinians. Forty-five percent of the shores of Gaza have been occupied by the settlers. So what we need is a total freeze on the settlements and not to play with words.

 What Mr. Sharon is doing is saying to the whole world, 'I will win.' But ... he will score victory over what?

 What President Mubarak is doing is recalling their ambassador in response to the continued Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, against excessive use of force, ... And the message he's sending is that Egypt and the Arabs cannot take this any longer.

 What we feared all along the way is (Israeli Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon not fighting terror; Sharon resuming occupation, sustaining occupation, ... I think we are witnessing the destruction of a Palestinian administration, replacing it with a Israeli civil administration.

 What we need to do is to see an immediate implementation of the Mitchell recommendations. But above anything else ... we need the Israeli government to join us at the negotiating table.

 When he is defying, he is really defying President Bush's call for withdrawal, for stopping incursions. He's saying I will delay my presence. Clearly he has resumed occupation and announced now that he will create buffer zones in areas where the Israelis will resume the occupation.

 When it comes to Palestinian mothers and children and innocent civilians killed by the Israeli army, the U.S. administration chooses not to see, not to speak, and not to condemn,

 When we ask, 'Why are we facing this hardship, 35 years of being subject to the Israeli occupation,' Sharon's solution is to kill us.

 Where do we go with this vicious cycle?

 where they left off.

 Whose army and tanks are in the streets of every Palestinian quarter, every Palestinian city, every Palestinian town and village?

 Why would the Israeli government take this decision and throw this problem on our shoulders when they know we have an overloaded wagon of complications?

 will be the biggest blow to President Bush's two-state solution and will sabotage any idea of a road map.

 [Despite what he called] major gaps, ... exerted maximum efforts and will continue to exert maximum efforts in order to conclude an agreement.

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