463 ordspråk av Tom Daschle

Tom Daschle

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 There's no doubt that they are struggling. But there is equally no doubt that working together we can survive this and we can put them and all of them associated with air transportation infrastructure in a position of strength,

 There's nothing unusual about the way the votes are being counted in Florida right now.

 These are difficult issues, ... Economics has always separated our parties philosophically, and to overcome the philosophical differences is something that we are going to try and do.

 They (the Republicans) can't feel very good about prolonging this, given the results tonight,

 They are the victims of terrorists just as those who died on September 11,

 They don't want a $1.6 trillion dollar tax cut. Now they want a $3.2 trillion dollar tax cut. I don't know why they don't just give the entire federal budget away,

 They have to do a lot more than tell people that the responsibility is now on their shoulders.

 They want to pull the bill in a clandestine way. They want to be able to pull the bill with our fingerprints on it. And we're not going to give them that opportunity.

 They would rather use this as an issue to run scurrilous ads.

 They're rolling a dice and in my view they're going to come up the big losers, ... They think there is some political resonance in this but that's not what I hear.

 They've walked out on the talks. They've walked out on unemployed workers, and they've walked out on America's economy and that is an outrage,

 This across-the-board cut has nothing to do with ridding ourselves of waste, ... This goes to muscle and bone of programs.

 This administration has to do a lot better,

 This has got to end, Mr. President.

 This is a Congress that is much more interested in investigating than legislating,

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