463 ordspråk av Tom Daschle

Tom Daschle

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 We are interested in keeping the focus on Iraq, not on other countries in the region that may also pose a threat or a concern to the United States, and I think that is one of the issues we want to raise with the administration as we continue our discussions,

 We aren't comfortable coercing somebody to speak, ... But when you have somebody this important and when you have the issue as critical as it is for all of this country at stake, there shouldn't be any question about his willingness to come before the committees.

 We can't afford to wait, ... We must restore integrity to our investment and pension systems and strengthen government oversight of them. We cannot allow what happened to Enron employees happen to the rest of America.

 We can't go back to deficit spending,

 We didn't involve ourselves in their proceedings and it's very disturbing that they now seem to be intent on involving themselves in ours,

 We don't know what effect this will have yet. We do know that it poses some serious questions regarding our relationship with our allies, with Russia and with China, that we're going to have to consider very, very carefully,

 We don't know yet whether laws were broken, but there must be enforcement of the law and if the laws were broken someone needs to go to jail,

 We don't need more toothless tigers,

 We feel very strongly that this wasn't the approach in which we would have chosen to debate this incredibly important issue, ... We are having to deal with very unfair and very unfortunate circumstances, so we will present our case through the amendment process.

 We have a body of evidence which is just phenomenal, 60,000 pages, five volumes, an amazing array of data, ... We are ready now to present the evidence and make the decisions.

 We have a real problem with regard to Social Security and Medicare,

 We have an anticipated debt of $400 billion this year, and that's before the first dollar in whatever military action may be required will be expended, ... Without a question, this will exacerbate the debt and complicate our fiscal circumstances beyond anything, I would say, in history.

 We have chosen to be very prudent in my view, in taking only one [parliamentary option], that is to refuse to allow committees to meet beyond the first two hours, and will continue with that position so long as the Landrieu matter is still outstanding.

 We have come up with a delicate, but yes, successful compromise. There is no question all 100 of us could go through this bill with a fine-tooth comb and cherry pick and find improvements... we've got a job to do, the clock is ticking and the work needs to get done.

 We have concerns about adding to the Bush plan. They need to come talk to us. We favor getting out money immediately, but we need to see the details,

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