6067 proverbs

Proverbs med 148 bokstäver

A ram caught in a thicket by its horns;
Offer the Ram of Pride instead of him.
But the old man would not so, but slew his son...
  Wilfred Owen

 Being a loser-out game, no one wants their season to be over. That's a team (Newport) that has lots of seniors, so they were fighting until the end.

 Being hurt last year and having those injuries, I think it has kind of put it all in perspective for me as to how much I really appreciate the game.

 Being separated from the football team made him realize that this is pretty important. Thank goodness for him and his teammates that he got it done.

 Bell did a real nice job tonight. He stepped in and made some nice, crisp passes, his footwork was good and his coverage was good. I liked his game.

 Ben is our stud in the middle and the veteran on this team. He's the hardest hitter on this team and everyone really looks up to him for enthusiasm.

 Beno was waiting for an opportunity to play and tonight he got one and he performed and provided a spark. I'm happy about the way he played tonight.

 Between technology and globalization, a large majority of U.S. white-collar jobs will become obsolete and either eliminated or dramatically altered,

 Big Baby pushed me out of the lane. I didn't do what I was supposed to do. I missed shots. I tried to do other things, like rebound and block shots.

 Bike culture is incredibly diverse, ... You've got the ultimate Republican, George Bush, riding bikes, and you've got radical leftists riding bikes.

 Bill Ford had no idea how difficult the job of running the Ford Motor Co. would be. He's trying to find people now who can get him out of this mess.

 Billy and I were able to shake hands after the game and he had some nice complements about how our administration made efforts to protect the court.

 Billy Paul's song is hard to beat. I made it my own with a couple of little things, but I wasn't really going to fool with his thing. I ain't crazy.

 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

 Bob told me he felt it would be better to address it after the season, ... By the time Mike talked about it, we were almost beginning training camp.

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