3974 proverbs

Proverbs med 197 bokstäver

 Elliott has not recommended a specific alternative strategy for shareholders to consider. We do not believe that it is in the Fund's best interest to operate without an active management agreement.

 Engineering, medicine, business, architecture and painting are concerned not with the necessary but with the contingent - not with how things are but with how they might be - in short, with design.

 England and Sweden stopped vaccinating against pertussis because they didn't have much whooping cough. Within three years both countries had high cases of pertussis; highest that they've ever been.

 Enjoy it. Take a breath, kick back and enjoy. Because this doesn't happen every year at Memphis. It happens at Kentucky, Duke, North Carolina and those other programs. It doesn't happen at Memphis.

 Enron is a one-time occurrence. Trading didn't put it down but rogue financing. They improperly financed a lot of overseas hard assets and didn't disclose the impact to earnings and balance sheets.

 Enterprise Java is hard to develop. These frameworks, they really help make it easier. It basically means that you have to write less code; it also means that you have best practices going forward.

 EPA just strengthened its hand to make sure states implement clean air rules on time and on target, but it failed to take the extra steps to fully address the pollution blowing into North Carolina,

 EPA just strengthened its hand to make sure states implement clean air rules on time and on target, but it failed to take the extra steps to fully address the pollution blowing into North Carolina.

 Eric did a lot of good things, but you have to credit his teammates for finding him underneath the basket. I thought we played good team basketball from start to finish for the third straight game.

 Essentially, the waves that traveled through the area outside the inner core?the crust, the mantle, the outer core?are all the same. Only when they travel through the inner core are they different.

 Estimates may have been lower on the Windows side because people were thinking we're in the lull period before Longhorn. But strong PC sales will still bring in sales of the older operating system.

 European clubs will generally send out requests to coaches to recommend players to them. So there are a number of avenues for good players who are serious about going overseas to make a connection.

 Even if these games could be described through linear equations, small changes in conditions would alter the outcome. Even in the most optimistic world view, these methods are not going to do well.

 Even if they convert it, conversion doesn't take place in an instant. Even that would involve some sort of a shutdown. It might be as long as three months to two years for conversion to take place.

 Even though it snowed quite a bit, it was a relatively warm winter down low, so the snow line goes from a lot of snow to no snow very quickly. So, some of our low-elevation sites are below average.

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