3974 proverbs

Proverbs med 197 bokstäver

 Finally, we will continue to consult with our friends, with our allies and with all members of the Security Council on how to compel compliance by Iraq with the will of the international community,
  Colin Powell

 Financially, it wasn't a successful year, but it went as expected. We reached a lot of the goals we had as far as the product we put out there. We sowed a lot of seeds that will pay off in the end.

 firm decision to stand against terrorism and extremism and his commitment to the principle that no person or no organization will be allowed to indulge in terrorism as a means to further its cause.

 First and foremost, get them in shape. That means daily stretching and squatting exercises to strengthen their hamstrings, lower legs and Achilles tendons. They need to train like serious athletes.

 First meeting with Liam: He's been saying that he'd been watching me on TV for a bit. And because I was a big Oasis fan I was a bit, 'Ooh, hello' when we met. I wasn't as confident as I usually am.
  Nicole Appleton

 First of all, we couldn't get them out of the locker room. And secondly, we just kind of moseyed on up to warm up. I sensed it a little bit. And I have learned that you'll play the way you warm up,

 First you have to actually teach the kids how to swim. Second, you need to show them what a meet is and third, they need to learn how to be a team. I think that they did pretty well with all three.

 FLAG, n. A colored rag borne above troops and hoisted on forts and ships. It appears to serve the same purpose as certain signs that one sees and vacant lots in London --"Rubbish may be shot here."
  Ambrose Bierce

 Flexibility? That's all hooey. The intent is to dump costs on the states... We'll end up without enough federal oversight [of Medicaid], and that's a major problem, but nobody's talking about that.

 For a year that left a lot of questions of who was going to win and who was going to be the best in the end, I think the most gratifying thing is the fact that we, I guess you could say, dominated.

 For all his self-serving lie-detector tests, now and whatever else his lawyer spins in his favor, it will not erase the fact he misled and misled badly the lawful conduct of a police investigation.

 For Arizonans, there's a particular connection because it was the U.S.S. Arizona and so on December 7, we have a lot of commemorations on the day of the attack, and it's a big part of Arizona life,

 For by superior energies; more strict affiance in each other; faith more firm in their unhallowed principles, the bad have fairly earned a victory over the weak, the vacillating, inconsistent good.
  William Wordsworth

 For each part is particularly qualified for ,the accomplishment of certain objects, ,and thus each is declared to be the most important for that particular purpose which is effected by its means.
  Guru Nanak

 For equities to continue their rise, traders will want to see more good results from the corporate sector. There is little in the way of important economic data until Friday's durable goods number.
  Jim Morrison

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