Bruce Weber (1946-) |
I say every year 'the Fair Board is very excited about this year's Fair', but it is true. We really are excited about every Fair. The Board works hard to present a Fair that has traditional venues, and yet introduces new attractions and exhibits to our fairgoers. Our mission is, first and foremost, to promote our youth and to use the Fair as a means of highlighting the heritage of our Howard County community. |
I see the kids, ... and I just think about my kids. You see babies floating in the river. We complain about the littlest things. I mean, we're so fortunate for so many reasons; we can breathe, we can walk. It's not even about money. It's more about everybody's responsibility. This is about how you treat people. To see this every day, you know that this is going on and you got people, they don't care about it. |
I think at some point and time all cemetery districts are going to have a problem, because they all have a finite amount of land. All of them are fighting for the almighty dollar because they are just barely making it. They are either going to have to buy land or beg for it, because they'll have nowhere to bury people. Somebody - and I suspect it will be the state legislature - will have to address the issue. |
I think at some point in time there will be a more informal conversation that I'm sure Andy and I will have about that. First and foremost, I want to get more of a feel for him and his personality and how he handles himself on a day-to-day basis. The last thing I want to do is be overly aggressive with him. I want to get him settled here and let him know this is his family here, and we're excited to have him. |
I think deep down he really wanted to be here. I think he wanted to be an Eagle, without a doubt. He realizes that this is a business, and that's the way it goes sometimes. For him, this is bittersweet. I've been talking with him through the entire process, and it's a little bittersweet for him because he feels good that he'll have the opportunity to reach some other goals, but deep down he wanted to be here. |
I think there is something very magical about Telluride and Mountainfilm. Both offer a fine balance among the physical, intellectual and spiritual worlds. The first time we visited, we were struck by the power of the landscape and this amazing gathering. We need to take a moment now and then to trade stories about what it really means to be a human being. Mountainfilm provides the platform for such exchanges. |
I thought we should have had at least three more turnovers. Colorado State, they tried to run the football. I thought they had the ability to test us in that area better than last week. But they only had 29 rushes for 59 yards. You look at the stats, and a lot of those stats came late in the game when we were playing back on our heels and we had down-the-line guys in there, but I expected them to play better. |
I thought, 'How hard is it for us to take a couple of hours on our day off, go out there, talk to her, get some information and make some phone calls.' From there, we were really high off the fact that we had found her within a couple of days and we wondered, 'What if we can do this again and again and again?' Why not? It just makes us feel really good to help someone who isn't able to get the help they need. |
I understand why the libraries are doing it, but I do believe that it is discriminatory. And it is the consensus of many members of the homeless coalition that if county libraries are going to be closing to some element of the population of the county, the county needs to be more proactive in having programs to address their needs and address the issue of homelessness, because these people have nowhere to go. |
I was just hoping for some more contributions from more kids. They came out and played hard for me, so I was happy about that. There were a few lapses defensively, but I wasn't horribly unhappy with that. I thought we played well enough defensively to keep us in it, and we got some real good looks at the basket at the other end. I mean a whole bunch of open 10 footers. We just didn't put the ball in the hole. |
I'd like to congratulate Arizona for their victory over San Francisco in the 'Burrito Bowl' last week. But now that their run to the border and back is complete, they've got the Carolina Panthers to answer to. I don't know if Dennis Green and his crew are aware of this, but the cardinal in the state bird of North Carolina, and we don't appreciate the evil-looking cardinal painted on the side of their helmets. |
Kate Hudson (1979-) |
If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? / And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? / If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? / But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. |