Emerging markets are on everybody's mind. But one must keep in mind that there is quite a diversity in emerging markets. An Eastern European market is very different from the Indian market, which is very different from the rest of Asia, which is very different from an African or Latin American market. Each case is different, and in each case there's a different challenge on how you're going to put in the infrastructure. |
Every sponsor wants to be a part of it, every driver, every team, but there are only so many pieces of the pie. If I don't make the chase, will I feel like I failed my sponsor? Yes, I will, because I've been in the top 10 all year long until the last month. We were almost counting our chickens before they were hatched around June, July, so it's going to be hard for me to look my sponsors in the face if we don't make it. |
Exactly how and when we'd use that, we're not sure yet, ... I don't think it would be for a while, because we want him here, we want him working in structure, we want him working against NBA guys. At a point sometime in the season when we're going to practice less and going to be traveling a lot maybe and he would not be getting minutes, that would be the time to send him to the D League and let him get some experience. |
Executives and IT managers alike are arming themselves with a better understanding of what technologies power the key services within their enterprises, and which services most effectively reduce costs or drive revenue.. Once they've reached that point, the ability to put dollar figures next to each service emerges as the final piece of the puzzle - it's almost the Holy Grail for running IT as a service to the business. |
Financial awareness is now key at an earlier age because young kids are becoming more aware of consumer issues, and marketers are responding to them. Cell phones for 8-year-olds is a perfect example. Companies are trying to capture market share and brand affinity at an earlier age than ever before. That results in young kids making spending decisions earlier, but they're still not learning how to save for the long term. |
For me, I have my job where I obviously always have to prove myself over again and be successful. If I decide to do something else which is new for me and completely outside of the picture for me from what I am established to be good at, then that is fun. There is nothing wrong with trying something and checking it out to see if you like it, if you're good at it. And I don't have the big ego, so it doesn't matter to me. |
For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: / That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; / Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God: / That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. |
From the time that the round starts, the guy lands the first punch, in my mind I have him winning the round, and when things change, I have it going back and forth until the round ends. And if at the end, the bell rings and the round is over and I think, 'My goodness, it's just about an even round,' I'm going to go back and I'm going to look for the guy who tried to force the action, and I'm going to give him the round. |
From what I can tell about this rating system, it looks like the system speculates about the content of what the clubs are going to talk about . . . (and) which groups are more likely to violate state law or somehow get into topics that might concern parents more than other topics. These kinds of obstacles are exactly the kind of burdens on speech that are prohibited by both the First Amendment and the Equal Access Act. |
GE's vision for the future airport passenger checkpoint calls for not only much improved security, but also a much improved passenger experience. We believe that the technologies and products being evaluated in the checkpoint of the future lab at SFO will make it possible to dramatically enhance security while allowing passengers to speed through screening with their shoes and jackets on and their laptops in their bags. |
Generally, if there's any question, I would either tag the guy or throw the ball to first or turn around and look at the umpire and show him the ball and get a definitive out call, ... I see both sides of the issue. I think in Josh Paul's mind, there was no question, and the replay seems to show he caught the ball. I understand why he assumed the batter was out, but by the same token he did reach down toward the ground. |
Have you not seen those who are forbidden secret counsels, then they return to what they are forbidden, and they hold secret counsels for sin and revolt and disobedience to the Apostle, and when they come to you they greet you with a greeting with which Allah does not greet you, and they say in themselves: Why does not Allah punish us for what we say? Hell is enough for them; they shall enter it, and evil is the resort. |
Having a geographical dispersion to yield losses is fairly typical. In 2002, for example, 42 counties located primarily in the southern part of Illinois had percent yield losses indicating greater than 20 percent losses. During that same year, 20 counties located primarily in the northern and western part of the state had positive yield deviations. The 2002 distribution is almost a mirror image of the 2005 distribution. |
He's a good player who waited as long as he could and gave himself both options, but I still want that goal back. If you don't have butterflies, you shouldn't be in this spot because this is the best time of year when you want to show up. There's a way to control the nerves and not let them get the best of you, so maybe that's where a veteran knows how to do it. But today is over, and tomorrow is the most important day. |