I'm Bart Simpson, who the Hell are you? |
Indian burns are not our cultural heritage |
It does not suck to be you |
Kiss you? But Dad, I'm your kid! |
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Contrary to what you've just seen, war is neither glamorous nor fun. There are no winners, only losers. There are no good wars, with the following exceptions: The American Revolution, World War II, and the Star Wars Trilogy. If you'd like to learn more about war, there's lots of books in your local library, many of them with cool, gory pictures. |
Life is a paradox, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't |
Loose teeth don't need my help |
Mud is not one of the 4 food groups |
My homework was not stolen by a one-armed man |
My mom is not dating Jerry Seinfeld |
Next time it could be me on the scaffolding |
No one cares what my definition of "is" is |
No one is interested in my underpants |
No one wants to hear from my armpits |
No, he's pretty dumb. He's in all the same special classes I am. |