As far as we're concerned, the threat is being vastly overblown. It's not being massively exploited. |
I don't think Windows is more or less secure than some other operating system, ... I think that there are technologies from Microsoft that are good; there are others that are not good; and there are others that still need to be refined and improved, but that are still very much in demand. |
I have a lot of control from within my browser, such as Web proxies, but in mail, what controls do I have? ... I have nowhere near the same amount of security. |
I think there are enough hackers in the world that will look for machines they can own. It's not difficult to find them. It is very easy to control a large number of machines. |
If Microsoft's publicity of this update is successful, far too many consumers will believe they have received a comprehensive security update, ... This will make it significantly more difficult to convince them to take additional steps to secure themselves. |
It's a new year, it's been ages since we've seen something like Blaster and [AV firms] are wondering how they're going to get everyone's attention. I think it's winter and we're bored. |
Maybe it's going to take a massive online attack ... a concerted attack against government interests. It's hard to say what will cause a shift in the thinking. |
Microsoft is building a more robust environment, with network checks and system screening conducted before access to an internal system is granted. |
Our recommendation to our customers is to get patches applied within 90 days, because the normal mechanisms should prevent this from getting to your organization. |
The importance is in the details. |
The study means absolutely nothing. There are so many easier ways to get access to someone's password. |
There are probably a significant number of machines that have been compromised and nobody knows. |
There's been way more attention given it in the media than it deserves. |
These are seven of the most boring patches I've ever seen. I think they were being nice to us on Valentine's Day so no one would be bogged down applying seven [patches] tonight. |
This is a very sophisticated worm with several new twists |