If Allah assists you, then there is none that can overcome you, and if He forsakes you, who is there then that can assist you after Him? And on Allah should the believers rely. |
If good befalls you, it grieves them, and if an evil afflicts you, they rejoice at it; and if you are patient and guard yourselves, their scheme will not injure you in any way; surely Allah comprehends what they do. |
If good befalls you, it grieves them, and if hardship afflicts you, they say: Indeed we had taken care of our affair before; and they turn back and are glad. |
If He please, He can make you pass away, O people! and bring others; and Allah has the power to do this. |
If He pleases, He causes the wind to become still so that they lie motionless on its back; most surely there are signs in this for every patient, grateful one, / Or He may make them founder for what they have earned, and (even then) pardon most; / And (that) those who dispute about Our communications may know; there is no place of refuge for them. |
If He should ask you for it and urge you, you will be niggardly, and He will bring forth your malice. |
If the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease and the agitators in the city do not desist, We shall most certainly set you over them, then they shall not be your neighbors in it but for a little while; / Cursed: wherever they are found they shall be seized and murdered, a (horrible) murdering. |
If then they believe as you believe in Him, they are indeed on the right course, and if they turn back, then they are only in great opposition, so Allah will suffice you against them, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing. |
If there had been in them any gods except Allah, they would both have certainly been in a state of disorder; therefore glory be to Allah, the Lord of the dominion, above what they attribute (to Him). |
If they could find a refuge or cave or a place to enter into, they would certainly have turned thereto, running away in all haste. |
If they find you, they will be your enemies, and will stretch forth towards you their hands and their tongues with evil, and they ardently desire that you may disbelieve. |
If We please, We should send down upon them a sign from the heaven so that their necks should stoop to it. |
If you call on them they shall not hear your call, and even if they could hear they shall not answer you; and on the resurrection day they will deny your associating them (with Allah); and none can inform you like the One Who is Aware. |
If you demanded a judgment, the judgment has then indeed come to you; and if you desist, it will be better for you; and if you turn back (to fight), We (too) shall turn back, and your forces shall avail you nothing, though they may be many, and (know) that Allah is with the believers. |
If you desire for their guidance, yet surely Allah does not guide him who leads astray, nor shall they have any helpers. |