Keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and whatever good you send before for yourselves, you shall find it with Allah; surely Allah sees what you do. (The Cow 2.110) |
Keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, and of the hereafter, they are sure. (The Ant 27.3) |
Keep up prayer from the declining of the sun till the darkness of the night and the morning recitation; surely the morning recitation is witnessed. (The Children of Israel 17.78) |
Keep us on the right path. |
Kind speech and forgiveness is better than charity followed by injury; and Allah is Self-sufficient, Forbearing. |
Know that Allah gives life to the earth after its death; indeed, We have made the communications clear to you that you may understand. |
Know that Allah is severe in requiting (evil) and that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. |
Know that this world's life is only sport and play and gaiety and boasting among yourselves, and a vying in the multiplication of wealth and children, like the rain, whose causing the vegetation to grow, pleases the husbandmen, then it withers away so that you will see it become yellow, then it becomes dried up and broken down; and in the hereafter is a severe chastisement and (also) forgiveness from Allah and (His) pleasure; and this world's life is naught but means of deception. |
Lay hold on him, then put a chain on him, / Then cast him into the burning fire, / Then thrust him into a chain the length of which is seventy cubits. |
Leave Me and him whom I created alone, / And give him vast riches, / And sons dwelling in his presence, / And I adjusted affairs for him adjustably; / And yet he desires that I should add more! / By no means! surely he offers opposition to Our communications. |
Leave them that they may eat and enjoy themselves and (that) hope may beguile them, for they will soon know. |
Lest you say that the Book was only revealed to two parties before us and We were truly unaware of what they read. |
Let him who has abundance spend out of his abundance and whoever has his means of subsistence straitened to him, let him spend out of that which Allah has given him; Allah does not lay on any soul a burden except to the extent to which He has granted it; Allah brings about ease after difficulty. |
Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends rather than believers; and whoever does this, he shall have nothing of (the guardianship of) Allah, but you should guard yourselves against them, guarding carefully; and Allah makes you cautious of (retribution from) Himself; and to Allah is the eventual coming. |
Let not then their property and their children excite your admiration; Allah only wishes to chastise them with these in this world's life and (that) their souls may depart while they are unbelievers. |