If you blow, and your suspension is upheld, you will be eligible for a hardship license after your suspension has been in effect for 30 days. If you refuse to blow, and your suspension is upheld, you are not eligible for a hardship until 90 days of suspension has passed with no driving. |
If you get one job, one decent job, not even a good job but a decent job, it pays for leasing for the whole year. Once you become a 1-800-PAVEMENT member the customers don't need to look you up in the Yellow Pages anymore. They'll remember the phone number. It's just like 1-800-FLOWERS. |
If you have a joint bank account, ask your bank to freeze the account so that both signatures are required before any transactions can be made. If you're concerned that your soon-to-be ex is going to run off and really drain your account, you've got to be really cold-hearted about this. |
If you now go off and develop new standards, and standardize certain processes, you don't have to worry about IBM coming in and asserting our patents. We are not going to be a roadblock. What we hope this encourages people to do is bring health care and educational standards up a notch. |
If you put two and two together, there's no doubt there's a great opportunity to put the two platforms together, ... Obviously with a company like Microsoft this is something we have to look into and ask about. Is it actionable today? Probably not, but it's something we need to look at. |
If you wind up with a company that is so closely aligned with one individual, like it or not, the virtues of that company are tied to the virtues of that individual. You're usually much better off with CEOs who are under the radar and just work at doing a very nice job for shareholders. |
In '02 we had another good year in improving productivity in salaried work force. What we're trying to do is make this a regular mind set around here, ... You can't have an ounce of fat these days and meet the pricing and the investments and the profitability targets we're shooting for. |
In 1976 I was appointed an American Cancer Society Research Professor and in 1986, Distinguished Professor. The works recognized by this Nobel Prize are clearly a group effort of achievement as may be seen from the names associated with our publications on EGF. They share in this honor. |
In 1995, Lotus Notes was an alternative to the Internet, used solely within enterprises. Since the Lotus Notes business model was to give away Notes client software, while charging for the server software, it was reasonable to assume that Mr. Barksdale had adopted this strategy as well. |
In accordance with our established rules, any championship-level athlete who has qualified for the 2006 U.S. Championships has a right to petition for an Olympic spot due to injury or illness. We trust the outcome will be the naming of the best possible U.S. Olympic figure skating team. |
In California there is a company that has a robot that does surgical procedures, and we linked out technology to the robotic arms with two microscopic cameras and was able to watch the live prostate surgery in 3-D. This is 3-D floating in the air where you can put your hands through it. |
In fact, there are always solutions for the schools' concerns, but they never think about it. For example, the academic performance of disabled children can be evaluated based on a set of different standards. The parents can accompany their children to help their physical inconvenience. |
In general, they are lucky to get any of their recommendations adopted. A lot of commissions have filed reports, and no one pays attention. By the time they have done their work, attention has moved onto something else - which is, of course, the reason why presidents create commissions. |
In its zeal to prop up its allegations against the president, the Office of the Independent Counsel ... intentionally omitted direct, exculpatory testimony, paraphrased unambiguous statements to obscure their plain meaning, and systematically resolved conflicting testimony in its favor, |