We are up against an extremely talented Stanford team next weekend. The fans are going see a meet that is going to come down to the wire. It's going to come down to who hits the final two routines of the meet. It will definitely be a sit on the edge of your seat type of meet and an awesome display of gymnastics. |
We are very happy to announce that this year's recipes are, if possible, better than last year's recipes, ... The competition this year will consist of three cooks in three categories all vying for the coveted grand prize and the honor of calling themselves the 'second annual Prime Beef Cook-Off Grand Champion.' |
We averaged 43.5 points a game this year and they came up with 29 of those so it's obvious how important they were. As the season wore on, we developed other options, but they were definitely the leaders. They received a lot of attention from the other team's defense all year and they were still able to do well. |
We believe that Activision's focus on building high-quality franchises, sustaining above average operating margins and ROIC, and aggressively participating in the expanding handheld market have positioned the company for industry-leading growth and market share gains throughout the next-generation console cycle. |
We believe that these elections should reflect the will of the Palestinian people and that in the past, that has included voting by people who are from or live in east Jerusalem. And the Israelis and the Palestinians have been able to reach accommodation on that issue. We think that they should be able to again. |
We brought the American flag back to Teheran with honor but without chauvinism, and in an atmosphere of mutual respect. What we can do is help to change the atmosphere. We can change the climate, we can create some of the openings. But if the governments are not interested, nothing is going to happen in the end. |
We can pick up an ailing person from anywhere in India and fly him to any hospital in the country. The major difference between other services and us is that, we have a team of aviation medical experts. This means the ailing person will be completely taken care of till the time he/she is reached to the hospital. |
We can step up and get better or we can continue to slide. At times we have showed a lot of promise and other times we seemed confused. I thought we were very physical with Oak Grove and then it seemed like we lost that with Pleasant Hill. Obviously we want to get back that intensity level we had with Oak Grove. |
We can't wait until Congress is in session next February to address next year's supply challenges, ... By then it will be too late. ... Flu is a worldwide killer and the need for a vaccination is clear -- and yet, the market has dwindled to the point that the pullout of just one company can devastate our supply. |
We certainly have a lot stronger team now than we did at the end of last season because (general manager) Dave Littlefield has made a lot of good moves. I think it's great. It means playing time is going to be a little harder to come by for myself, but that's fine. The important thing is that the team is better. |
We clearly need to develop a more systematic approach to services innovation if we are to sustain this vital new sector in the economy. It is critical that we work with universities to create curricula that provide students entering the workforce with skills and training needed for growing our services business. |
We constantly seek to improve the health and well-being of those in the uniformed services and their family members. Information sharing visits such as this afford us the opportunity to better understand our healthcare partners who strive to provide our beneficiaries the very best in patient care and technology, |
We continued to improve our customer experience during the quarter with the opening of our music store, our easier-to-navigate store layout, and our expansion into the local U.K. and German book markets. These initiatives will continue to require aggressive investment and entail significant execution challenges. |
We couldn't buy a shot in that second quarter. You have to credit their defense. Their defense is tough. Part of it was them and part of it was that we turned the ball over. The kids got urgent. We got down, and all of a sudden, we thought we'd make up 15 points on one possession, and that's not going to happen. |
We definitely will have a strong contender there. Right now it's an issue of whether we can handle a race against an incumbent war chest, but with the possibility there will be an open seat in the November 2006 election because Cannon might lose in a primary, there is unusual interest among potential candidates. |