267 ordspråk av Michael Brown

Michael Brown

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 We kept telling the team they were playing off emotion and we knew that would wear off.

 We realize that many victims do not have access to the usual means of even registering for assistance, and FEMA is initiating efforts to bring the registration process to those in need.

 We recognize your immediate focus is to provide relief for the hurricane victims in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, but hope you will reconsider your denial of individual assistance for our communities.

 We want to make sure that this evidence ... is preserved in such a way that NASA can come in afterward and find out what caused this tragedy.

 We want to make sure the first time someone straps on a football helmet isn't in August of their freshman year. We've had some youth programming, but it's been piecemeal. With the new plan, we're trying to coordinate this.

 We were prepared but overwhelmed is the best way I can put it. We knew what to do. We knew how to do it. But because we're stretched thin, because we still had these logistical problems, it quickly overwhelmed us.

 We're bringing in food, water, and the medical teams and urban search-and-rescue teams to have a massive response.

 We're doing everything we can to make sure it's safe to live and work in Lower Manhattan.

 We're finding more and more people coming out of the woodwork, ... They're appearing in places we didn't know they existed.

 We're going to move an army of people down there to help Mississippi and Louisiana however we can.

 We're going to need everything that we can possibly muster, not only in this state and in the region, but the nation, to respond to this event.

 We're grateful for the outpouring of support already. But it's important that volunteer response is coordinated by the professionals who can direct volunteers with the appropriate skills to the hardest-hit areas where they are needed most. Self-dispatched volunteers and especially sightseers can put themselves and others in harm's way and hamper rescue efforts.

 We're not a first responder agency. We're there to coordinate and help people prepare and coordinate in times of disaster. And so if the country wants us to be more, then we should have a great public policy debate whether that's true or not,

 We're really good at coordinating, ... We're called the government's honest broker, and I think that's true.

 We're really on the rebound.

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