316 ordspråk av Bill Richardson

Bill Richardson

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 The stability of Asia, the future of Japan and the security of America will be determined by our ability to convince the North Koreans once and for all to dismantle their nuclear program, ... That is the goal of the six-party talks which I support and that is the message I will be carrying.

 The steps that I have taken involve controlling e-mails out of the labs, trying to make sure that no classified information leaves the labs at the foreign countries,

 The strategic petroleum reserve is used for national supply emergencies for a really rainy day. This is a price problem. We don't want to manipulate energy markets.

 The string is running out. It doesn't look good. Diplomacy is on life support, ... Larry King Live.

 The supply boost will likely benefit everyone who drives a car,

 The typical oil producer is a small business with many of the same problems encountered by small businesses in the retail and manufacturing industries.

 The Ukraine has experienced some computer problems. And we have joint programs to work with the Ukraine on the Chernobyl reactor. We had hoped the Chernobyl reactor could be closed soon. But the Ukrainians have decided to hold off on that,

 The United States is supportive of his trip, ... We wish him well, but we deserve the right to disagree if the conclusion of the trip is not consistent with Security Council resolutions and our own national interests.

 The United States reserves the right to oppose any arrangement that does not protect Security Council resolutions and what we perceive to be America's national interest,

 The United States wishes him well,

 The war on terror is unlike any war we've ever faced,

 There appears to be, at this time, no contamination of the air, ... We were able to control any potential damage. On the whole, it appears the Hanford facility has survived a major (disaster).

 There is no easy answer to gasoline prices,

 There is still mistrust, but I believe conditions for negotiations have improved, ... The atmosphere is the best I've seen in 15 years.

 There will be a peaceful resolution of the current situation through diplomacy and through dialogue.

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