316 ordspråk av Bill Richardson

Bill Richardson

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 There will be some of that -- obviously -- because you've got a lot of speakers, diverse speakers -- you've got all of the wings of the party here.

 There's $1.3 billion that you've not appropriated that we've asked for ... This is the time when we really should be investing,

 There's been no cover-up. We have been open, we've moved aggressively and we've taken steps to address the problem,

 These incentives, combined with the beauty of our state and the talent of our work force, allow New Mexico to compete internationally for major film projects. We're winning movies that would have gone to Europe or Canada.

 They are close, but close is not good enough, ... I won't rest until all consumers can be assured that utilities have adequately prepared for a smooth rollover.

 They are ready to act,

 They are very strong on science. They are a great institution. But on security ... they haven't done a very good job,

 They care more about bureaucracy and building palaces for the elite than their own people.

 They didn't give it to me before. I want them to give me the resources to do the job, ... You can't have the Congress complaining and then not giving me the resources.

 They had a good pitcher. She struggled -- she wasn't on today, but when she needed to get a ground ball or a strikeout, she got it.

 They have allowed U.S. inspectors back in. That is a minimal compliance, ... They should comply by giving those inspectors full access to all sites and officials and records.

 They have won breathing room for negotiations to take place to maintain a slightly reduced presence.

 They read 'bring the troops home' and thought, 'oh that's good,' they didn't think about the implications of cut and run.

 They stated they will be prepared to have us or any other six- way talk countries participate in fuel-cycle on the front end and back end,

 They stated they would be prepared to have the U.S. or any of the six party talk countries participate in the fuel cycle on the front or back end,

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