316 ordspråk av Bill Richardson

Bill Richardson

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 they would be willing to have the U.S. participate in the fuel cycle at the front and back end.

 They're very dogmatic. The North Koreans, they are very programmed, they have their policy statements they don't want to diverge from. They're very doctrinaire. They don't negotiate like others -- quid pro quo.

 This hybrid shows that I am willing to practice what I preach, ... We all need to do our part to conserve energy.

 This is a great job. The best job I've ever had. Because I go to work for the people of New Mexico everyday. And I've tried to follow a few simple lessons to serve the people well. Be bold. Never fail to act. Keep your promises. And make a difference.

 This is a political campaign, ... I am the energy secretary for the Clinton-Gore administration. I want to fix the problem and I want to fix it with you. Oil industry profits are up. American people have questions about the high price of oil.

 This is a price problem, ... We don't want to manipulate energy markets.

 This is good government at its best -- no loopholes, no misunderstandings and no exceptions.

 This is inexcusable; I'm outraged, ... It's incomprehensible what happened. I'm going to take action. I'm going to get to the bottom of this. There's going to be accountability.

 This is not an attack against the United States. This is an Iraqi attack against the United Nations and the Security Council.

 This is not like U.N. or formal diplomacy.

 This is not political,

 This is the right time to do this,

 This is the wrong resolution at the wrong time, ... It will undermine our efforts to get the peace process back on track and hurt everyone's interests, including those it is most intended to help.

 This is typically Iraqi behavior,

 This is typically Iraqi behavior. Once again they are repudiating the Security Council resolutions. They are repudiating the agreement they made with the secretary-general, they are blustering, they are going out of their way to be defiant and they are playing games.

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