316 ordspråk av Bill Richardson

Bill Richardson

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 This is unacceptable, and frankly, lends credibility to accusations of price gouging, ... Nobody should profit from tragedy.

 This policy reverses a decades-old Energy Department practice of opposing claims filed by people who helped build America's toughest defenses, ... They are people who became ill after working with very hazardous materials under dangerous conditions.

 This resolution is going to be passed tomorrow, ... And we think it sends an unmistakable signal for Iraq to comply immediately. This resolution is moving like a freight train.

 to know my administration is doing everything it can to protect them.

 very disappointed in what the president said on energy.

 Vice President Gore does not favor higher gasoline prices for consumers. That is not the case,

 We applaud Southern Company for being a leader with corporate fleets giving their employees access to a cleaner means of transportation and for continuing the partnership in the federal fleet program,

 We as a people, as a state, and as a community, have too much promise, too much potential, and too much at stake to go any other way than forward. We are too strong in our hearts, too innovative in our minds, and too firm in our beliefs to retreat from our goals.

 We believe it's a good strong text calling for an international arms embargo. It's moving forward. Hopefully, it will be adopted in the next few days.

 we believe the area is now safe.

 We believe this is a good agreement, ... we see the British initiative as a good way to enforce the agreement.

 We call upon the military officers ... to restore the constitutional order and the democratically elected government.

 We can assure the country and New Mexico that our nuclear materials are safe,

 We cannot accomplish all that we need to do without working together.

 We cannot have a full economic recovery, we cannot ensure the security of this country, while the states are in the midst of the worst fiscal crisis in half a century. Direct aid to cash-strapped states is perhaps the most direct way to immediately jump-start an ailing economy.

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