11 ordspråk av Bob Montgomery

Bob Montgomery

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 If that mileage becomes a part of Denton, we can guarantee that, when that area opens up, it'll have the same [development] standards as the rest of the city.

 It's about as local as you can get.

 Lots of agencies come and go. They have demonstrated they have staying power.

 Our talents extend beyond traditional tax and accounting work to include a broad range of disciplines that address business and financial needs today and in the future, and although we serve a broad range of clients in many professions and industries, we do have a concentration in manufacturing and distribution, real estate and construction, and professional practices that encompass architects, engineers, lawyers, and physicians. Moreover, we also provide valuation services and litigation support to many local attorneys.

 She wanted more and more and her demands were absolutely exorbitant.

 The new brand was announced last August. One of the internal goals was to arm the Cotton + Allen team with a consistent message about the firm and to build pride among our members. Now, we have a clear message and professionally produced marketing materials, which translates into confidence when our accountants are asked to generate prospects or cross-sell services of value to our clients. To date, we can see positive results internally; however, it's too early to say if the efforts have helped retain a client or bring in a new one-although we have every reason to believe that it will certainly contribute to those efforts. It has definitely been well received in the business community - we have received many compliments.

 They seemed shocked when we told them we were from Montana - that you would come that far to help.

 They wanted to terrorize the people -- that's why they left the bodies.

 We walked into the Astrodome and took a look at how many people were on the field. It hit me - this is real and happening now. We saw it play out on TV every day. It brought it together when we saw the faces we were seeing on TV.

 We're going to have a very high level of protection.

 We're just overdeveloped, and we can't keep up with the roads.

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