13 ordspråk av Eddie Montgomery

Eddie Montgomery

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 A guilty plea is a guilty plea the way I look at it, ... He is found guilty legally. There is no difference. He is a convicted felon at this point. He is out of office. I'm OK with it.

 Amazingly not, ... I didn't talk to them. I knew their plight. I talked to them before the indictment was issued, but I didn't consult with them about this plea. I knew the facts and circumstances, but I did not get any pressure. It surprised me. I thought I might.

 At least one of the counts, included an offer of sex in exchange for pills, although it didn't actually take place, ... This jail was out of control without a doubt.

 Everybody gets backstage access when they join the MG Underground. Our fans know what we do onstage, now they can see what we do offstage. It's real, it's raw, and it's delivered straight to your computer and updated every week.

 He forged that guy's name on the check, and cashed it,

 He's lucky to be alive. And the horse was not hurt.

 I credit my blockers. I was very determined to get in the end zone on both of those.

 I have always been amazed by the fans who come to CMA Music Festival. This is a huge part of their lives, and we are very honored to be a part of it.

 I think facts were pretty clear. I wasn't surprised,

 I'll make a plea offer to him. He can take it. If he doesn't, then there might be more grand jury investigation,

 Sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture,

 This grand jury is done. They referred it over to the next grand jury for some further investigation. Potentially, we may hear from some more witnesses,

 Two, I had to look at the bigger picture. I got him convicted. He is a convicted felon. He is out of office. The Whitley County Jail will reopen. It will save taxpayers thousands of dollars. It is a decision I had to make.

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