53 ordspråk av Renee Montgomery

Renee Montgomery

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 ACS is very pleased with Judge Stephens' decision. Our prediction came true.

 Even if she doesn't score much, she's still our emotional, vocal leader that you follow. When you're missing a leader, things are going to be shaky, at first.

 Everything wasn't flowing right because we hadn't played in a long time. It was weird. It felt like I hadn't played in so long. It was different.

 He just told them, 'Stay all night, that way you'll have a good spot,' cause he was trying to get them to come to the game. He's funny. We did not know that was coming because you never know with Coach.

 I didn't take it personally because he's the coach and he knows what he's doing. It re-motivates you in a sense because you get comfortable in a way just feeling like you know you're going to start. I think it turned out to be a good thing in the end. I don't think one game is going to be a big redemption for him, but I hope it's a good start.

 I don?t know how we would have performed a month ago.

 I feel like we got a little taste of victory and now we can get the whole pie if win the NCAA (tournament).

 I guess he?s a genius, he always knows things before they happen. It?s disappointing because you don?t ever want to take a step back. Nobody?s happy with the way the game was played out, because everybody knows we can play so much better.

 I have probably 1,000 friends that go there (West Virginia). Like half of my senior class went there and the other half went to Marshall, so I know a lot of people that go there.

 I hope it's the last one. I guess he's a genius. He always knows things before they happen. He sees it coming.

 I just saw it and ran. It's basically instinct. When you see the ball, you go get it.

 I knew about their class because they were all in the McDonald's game. And they all did so well in the McDonald's game. So I knew about all four of them actually.

 I remember us not being not too smart a lot of times when we needed to be and not making plays when we needed to make them. I think that's one thing we're doing this stretch a lot better is if the other team is on the run, we're making the play that we need to make at the right time. I think that's something we have now that we didn't have then.

 I think if we would have had two terrible halves, that would have hurt us because then we wouldn't have known how to pick ourselves up. But I think the fact that we took it upon ourselves to change the game and not let it keep going downhill is a positive thing that we can take from it.

 I think she's the main reason that we got going on the offensive end. She picked us up when we needed something to get us started.

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