267 ordspråk av Bud Selig

Bud Selig

Bud Selig föddes den July 30th 1934
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 I don't have any plans to (meet with Bonds) now. This story has just happened. I want to be very careful as to how I respond.

 I don't know how else to say it.

 I don't know how we could use it to improve the job that umpires do, ... The human element in sport has always been a big part of the game. I'm a football fan, too, and I hate instant replay in the NFL. Football games are taking four hours.

 I don't regard the channel in any way shape of form as competitive. I regard it as an additional complement to everything else we've done.

 I don't regard this as an interim step, I regard this as the completion of a long process.

 I don't think people realize how big this is going to be, ... I don't know if I'll be around, but years from now it will be really big. It has huge potential.

 I don't think that's true at all. There's no facts to support that and we're doing everything we can. We've taken care of the present future. Senator Mitchell has complete autonomy to go do whatever he has to do, wherever he has to go. In the meantime our minor league program is in its sixth year.

 I don't want to embarrass him. We've played trivia for a long time. He's good, but... That's all I'll say.

 I guess none of this is unexpected. I'm saddened by it in the sense that opening day was such a good, positive day. Every game was sold out. It was really a great baseball day. But controversy will spawn with that type of activity, whether I like it or not.

 I guess people are aggravated because (wild cards) have won three world championships in a row. But frankly, the commissioner is not one of them.

 I have a great deal of confidence today that this will satisfy any concerns they have, ... I'm proud of what the game has done to get to this point.

 I have been saying for some time that my goal for this industry is zero tolerance. We are acting today to help restore the confidence of our fans in this great game.

 I have one objective in all of this, and I've told Don this a lot, and I've told everybody else, and I told the owners last week: My job is to rid this sport of steroids and rid any suspicion,

 I have the flexibility to make that decision, ... And I understand why [a decision on the sale] should be made quickly. . . . We're trying to move as fast as possible.

 I hear that there is about 58 more guys that have tested positive and if that's true, this game is screwed! Congress will have a field day with it.

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