267 ordspråk av Bud Selig

Bud Selig

Bud Selig föddes den July 30th 1934
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 I hope we can. This has been a long journey. ... I don't see that we have a choice.

 I hope we don't need the government, ... I want to believe we can solve our own problems. We don't want the government to prod our own players. The problem with that is the penalties are going to be stiffer.

 I just said I would review all of the information. I was very careful ... to say exactly what I said, and that's exactly what I mean.

 I know the clubs are just absolutely delighted

 I know there's been grumbling, but not much. I think overall this deal really doesn't increase that level to any degree that one would worry about.

 I made the decision, and I meant what I said that the competition was incredible and there will be a lot of disappointed people, ... I have to try to be fair. I understand they had only had a game 12 years ago, but they met all the criteria other than that. They have a gorgeous ballpark ... and Kevin McClatchy was about as tenacious as you can get.

 I need to get a new life, because I sat and watched The Weather Channel all day determining about low temperatures, high temperatures, medium temperatures.

 I poured my heart out in that call.

 I realized that baseball could expand the fulfillment of its social responsibility and help lead the fight against the abuse of steroids among our youth.

 I still have an open mind about it but the system is working so beautifully and brilliantly, I don't see it being changed right now.

 I strongly disagree with (the) decision,

 I strongly disagree with arbitrator Das' decision today,

 I strongly disagree with arbitrator Das' decision today. It sends the wrong message to every one of our constituents: the fans, the media, and our players.

 I suppose some people will be offended by it, but in division races, every so often, you'll have an aberration. There's no solution. What are you going to do, deny the existence of this division?

 I think 50-100 and lifetime is eminently fair. I don't even begin to understand how anybody could not think that that was fair.

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