267 ordspråk av Bud Selig

Bud Selig

Bud Selig föddes den July 30th 1934
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 I'll handle this my own way.

 I'll say this for the groups: They have plans in waiting. It's just a question of who gets the team. They'll react pretty quickly.

 I'll say this, it is a fair statement to say the program is working. It's the integrity issue that transcends it. That's why we not only need tougher penalties, but we need to go to independent testing so there's nobody who doesn't understand that we are serious. Same thing with amphetamines.

 I'm confident we will rid the game of steroids,

 I'm excited about our upcoming pilot campaign with high school coaches to incorporate the anti-steroid messages in locker rooms and school buildings throughout New Jersey. These efforts demonstrate our strong belief that when young athletes are presented the facts, they make safe and responsible decisions.

 I'm glad his health is improving, ... We'll see what happens. We're in the last three weeks of the season, so it's going to be interesting.

 I'm happy to say it was just a calm, peaceful day. We really have no surprises.

 I'm in a position that any comment from me at this very, very preliminary time is just inappropriate.

 I'm not at the moment. And it doesn't mean it won't come.

 I'm proud of what we've done over the last even or eight years. I find the revisionist history that has gone on in some places to be remarkable. The idea that we turned a blind eye is just not supported by fact.

 I'm supposed to be neutral. I'll let you figure it out. My mood is pretty good.

 I'm very comfortable telling you today that my program will rid the sport of steroids. I spent a lot of time talking to trainers, doctors, general managers, managers, players. I've devoted my life to this now.

 I'm very troubled by the alleged depth of the relationship between certain players and those involved in the illegal distribution of performance-enhancing substances.

 I've often said I won't rest until I rid the sport of steroids. If we can't solve our problems, then I submit to you the government should do what it has to do.

 I, of course, share the concerns that you have raised and I will take steps to insure that much of what you have written is implemented into Major League Baseball, ... I was deeply offended by what happened with Ryan Church and Jon Moeller.

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