267 ordspråk av Bud Selig

Bud Selig

Bud Selig föddes den July 30th 1934
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 If a player has a physical problem, I understand.

 If we cannot resolve this issue privately, I gladly will accept whatever help is offered by Senator McCain to achieve our ultimate goal,

 If we didn't have the right to keep teams where they are, teams would have moved, ... This exemption has promoted stability. It's done the very thing that people talk about wanting to avoid.

 In a lot of ways, it's helpful to have a team in the nation's capital. There's no question about that. It's helpful politically and a lot of other ways. As far as I'm concerned, Washington deserves a major league franchise. It's a major league market. I have no question about that.

 in our very cautious but aggressive manner.

 In the '80s, this sport had a very serious cocaine problem - and that was a pretty consistent pattern.

 In the interest of security and out of a sense of deep mourning for the national tragedy that has occurred today, all major league baseball games for today have been canceled. My deepest sympathy and prayers go out to the families and victims of this horrendous series of events.

 It is a gorgeous day. In Milwaukee, you don't get a day like this until July Fourth.

 It is not precluded from being decided and announced during the playoffs,

 It is the start of the season, and I look for this to be the biggest season in Major League Baseball history. I believe we will set an attendance record (this season). The sport has never been more popular, I'm very proud of where we are today, and this should be a remarkable year in terms of both competitive balance and attendance.

 It made my day. (Garner) had some tough times (in Milwaukee), but he's done very well and he's a terrific baseball man, no question about it. I had a chance to visit with both Phil and Cecil, and it's always a pleasure.

 It sends the wrong message to every one of our constituents.

 It should prove at least to everybody that we weren't kidding, ... I don't care who you are. You're out for 10 days.

 It was a great human experience.

 It was a great human experience. I thanked each one of them and each one of them said, 'We need to thank you.

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