401 ordspråk av Harry Reid

Harry Reid

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 We focused attention on what some believe are the flaws in the process leading to Senate consideration of the bill and the flaws of the bill itself.

 We forced the Republicans to admit that 'stay the course' is not an option, ... You saw a vote of no confidence in the Bush administration's policy in Iraq.

 We have a lot of work ahead of us, ... We still need the Voting Rights Act to be reauthorized, protect Social Security for our families, address the health care crisis disproportionately impacting Latino families, and make sure every student has access to a higher education. We need to make sure that Latinos are brought to the table, and not simply asked for their support or ignored on issues facing our country.

 We have spent two months - two months - dealing with basically five judges, all of whom have jobs.

 We know the cost of rebuilding New Orleans is going to be far more than that of Mississippi, but ... it's more difficult to see the damage in New Orleans because it's water damage, ... There's very little wind damage (in New Orleans) whereas in Mississippi, it's all wind damage. And it's devastation. I mean, you can see it just blew down everything.

 We know the questions that must be asked, ... Now we need answers.

 We must find ways to get them the resources they need and bring them to safety,

 We must not sit by and do nothing while thousands of hard-working Americans' retirement security is at risk,

 We must proceed carefully before legislating blanket bans on insurance coverage of entire classes of drugs.

 We must protect this fragile compromise from those intent on gutting this bill.

 We need a plan that will allow immigrants who are already here to earn their residency through hard work and that will create legal channels for immigrant workers necessary for our economic growth to enter in the future,

 We need someone to make sure that money goes to rebuilding businesses, homes and lives, not for lining the pockets of well-connected contractors,

 We need to hear honesty, humility from the Commander in Chief, not swagger from the campaigner in chief.

 We offer a vision for a brighter American future, based on goals such as affordable health care for everyone, quality education, and environmental protection. We stand for a society that respects and celebrates diversity.

 We respectfully request that you reconvene hearings as soon as possible to take these witnesses sworn testimony about their roles in the Cheney energy task force and the recent run-up in American fuel prices,

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