401 ordspråk av Harry Reid

Harry Reid

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 yet another missed opportunity by the vice president to come clean with the American people and lay out a strategy for success in Iraq.

 You can only go to the well so many times.

 You don't need a lot of consultation if the person you're consulting with listens to you. So we'll see.

 You see some of these big homes; they look OK, ... But they've been soaking in salt water for two weeks. They're gone. They'll tear them down.

 [And most of us are. But the decent instincts that drive most Americans are scarce in certain precincts when opportunity knocks. Rep. Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco and Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the leaders of the congressional Democrats, have been particularly knavish (and congressional Republicans particularly cowardly in confronting the partisan calumny). Mrs. Pelosi gave reporters a heroic (and unlikely) account of how she set the president straight in a private conversation with him. It's not clear whether the Secret Service was standing by lest she, like Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, threatened to punch him out. She called Mr. Bush] oblivious, in denial, dangerous. ... Why didn't President Bush return immediately from his vacation?

 [Cheney was involved in] the manipulation of intelligence to sell the war in Iraq, ... big oil ahead of the American consumer.

 [Hours before he spoke, the Democrats already were pressing their own recovery plan and spin.] Let's be clear about what Katrina was: a failure of leadership, ... When floodwaters poured into America's Gulf Coast, America's government sat on its hands.

 [Minority Whip Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada) said calling witnesses would extend the trial out unnecessarily.] They're talking about bringing Monica Lewinsky in. And what is the dispute? Both sides agree the dispute is as to whether or not the president touched her, or what time the relationship started, ... We don't need to get into this. This is something the American people, and frankly the Senate, is sick of.

 [Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said Tuesday that he would oppose the nominee but would not mount a filibuster to prevent his confirmation.] In the fullness of time, he may well prove to be a fine Supreme Court justice, ... But I have reluctantly concluded that this nominee has not satisfied the high burden that would justify my voting for his confirmation based on the current record.

 [Several Senate Democrats argued Roberts should receive greater scrutiny for chief justice.] The stakes are higher and the Senate's advice and consent responsibility is even more important, ... the Senate must be vigilant in considering this nomination.

 [Several Senate Democrats said Roberts should receive greater scrutiny for chief justice.] The stakes are higher and the Senate's advice-and-consent responsibility is even more important, ... The Senate must be vigilant in considering this nomination.

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