343 ordspråk av Ian Shepherdson

Ian Shepherdson

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 Our guess now is that there will be some incremental decay of consumers' expectations, especially in the New York area, but it will not be sufficient to upset our basic recovery story,

 Our measure of core sales, which excludes autos, gas and food, rose a pitiful 0.1 percent, the worst performance since April and impossible to square with Mr. Greenspan's assertion last week that the economy is regaining traction,

 Our measure of core sales, which excludes autos, gas and food, rose a pitiful 0.1 percent, the worst performance since April and impossible to square with Mr. Greenspan's assertion last week that the economy is regaining traction.

 Our view is that home sales will slide through the summer, dragging housing starts down into the fall. But this is still no more than a forecast; mortgage applications are still very strong.

 Output will not immediately accelerate to the pace suggested by the orders numbers ... because companies are still aggressively running down inventory.

 Over the next few months we expect starts to strengthen as reconstruction begins on the Gulf Coast - the rise in permits may be an early sign - but elsewhere starts still need to lag sales. Demand is still huge but there are too many new homes for sale.

 Overall, another awful report,

 Overall, solid domestic final demand, but the second quarter will be much weaker. We expect growth to slow to 3% or less, led by a sharp slowing in consumption.

 Overall, still quite strong, but a bit disconcerting nonetheless.

 Overall, the labor market is improving, but progress is still slow,

 Overall, the recent sales data appear to point to a renewed upturn in spending.

 Overall, the survey is still very strong, but we hoped for a bit better. A further decline next month would be a bit disconcerting, but there is no reason to expect that.

 Overall, this is a very robust report. There was a big upward revision to November orders excluding transportation, to a gain of 0.6% from down 0.6%.

 Overall, this is not too bad a report, but clearly there's some pressure in some sectors.

 Overall, [this was] another awful report, ... but given the size of the inventory overhang in manufacturing and the still-rapid loss pace of job losses it comes as no surprise.

Sidan 10 av 23
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