343 ordspråk av Ian Shepherdson

Ian Shepherdson

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 People have plenty of cash - and the inclination to spend it,

 People told consumer surveys they were miserable, but they were willing to borrow money to pursue a bargain,

 Preparing the markets for a rate hike is a process in which the Fed gradually has to back away from its unduly pessimistic stance of recent months. This will take some time, but the process is now underway.

 Production was steady, ... a real industrial recovery is still some way off.

 Rising jobless claims were [one] early sign the economy was slowing, and we think they may now represent an early sign that it will soon pick up speed again,

 Skeptics will argue this is just a post-war bounce that won't last, but we disagree, ... The ISM was in the mid-50s before the war, thanks to very loose policy, and there's no reason why it can't return to those levels very soon. The Fed does not need to ease again.

 Still, this is a hugely encouraging report, pointing clearly to a vigorous recovery.

 Strength is broad-based, confirming that what consumers do can be very different to their responses to confidence surveys.

 Supply remains tight; buyers may have been unable to find the homes they want where they want them. Housing will not fold.

 The big question now is whether the ISM survey will follow the Philly down and dip below 50,

 The big question now is whether the ISM survey will follow the Philly down and dip below 50.

 The bottom line here is that industry is doing well.

 The bottom line here is that the month-to-month volatility in the durable orders data is such that the true information content in a single report is very small -- there's just too much noise.

 The bottom line is that a one-month decline in this measure does not reverse the clear, firm upward trend.

 The bottom line: This greatly improves the chance of positive fourth-quarter GDP (gross domestic product). The Fed is nearly done, ... The U.S. economy is coming back.

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