343 ordspråk av Ian Shepherdson

Ian Shepherdson

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 We fully expect sentiment to drop sharply, putting in place the conditions for much softer consumer spending numbers.

 We had hoped the flow of people filing for extended benefits would slow this week, pushing claims back towards their underlying trend -- about 350,000, but it didn't happen,

 We have no real idea what the number next week will be, but we can be pretty sure that for the next few weeks the data will tell us next to nothing about the state of the economy across the country outside the areas hit by the storm.

 We remain of the view that the Fed's near-term objective is simply to support the stock market until consumer and business sentiment improves,

 We remain relatively optimistic about the housing market, but we do accept that activity fell sharply in the immediate aftermath of Sept. 11,

 We think confidence will rebound next month, but in the meantime the odds surely now favor a Fed ease next week,

 We think Mr. Greenspan is willing to give the data a chance; it will take bad data to force an August rate hike,

 We think not, but this report muddies the waters for the FOMC.

 We think the relief is temporary; no other data supports the slowdown story,

 We think the trend in layoff is downwards, ... but we're not yet ready to argue that all the danger has passed.

 We think there is a good chance that home sales recover, or at worst stabilize, over the next few months. The starts data are potentially seriously misleading.

 We've seen pauses in sales before; (it's) too soon to call this a trend.

 While claims at 350,000 or so would not be a disaster, they would be consistent with (monthly) payrolls trending at only about 125,000 -- not enough to push the unemployment rate any lower.

 With gas prices still falling, there is every chance that next month will see confidence returning to its summer levels or even hitting new highs, signaling strong spending in [the first quarter].

 With productivity likely to slow a bit further, there is little room for maneuver. In short, good news today but not enough alone to change the outlook.

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