325 ordspråk av John Ashcroft

John Ashcroft

John Ashcroft föddes den May 9th 1942
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 After carefully reviewing the transcript of the speech [Monday] night, I have come to the unfortunate conclusion that the honorable step for the president is to resign to protect America and the presidency, ... The national interest should be placed above his personal interest.

 Almost every day for the last six years I have walked past the back of the Supreme Court building on the way to my Senate desk, ... On the final day of the session, I recall walking past the high court, where words are etched in the marble, 'Justice, guardian of liberty.'

 Although the criminals who committed the thefts may have transported the objects beyond Iraq's borders, they should know that they have not escaped the reach of justice,

 America is committed to seeing civil liberties protected as a shield for freedom-loving people, not as a sword for freedom-loathing people.

 America's farmers should not be used as pawns in foreign policy disputes, ... The only people hurt by food embargoes are U.S. farmers and innocent citizens of other countries.

 Among these criminal aliens are hundreds of sexual predators, including a rapist and serial child molester, hundreds of drug traffickers, and hundreds of violent criminals, including murderers,

 Among these reasons was the impact of the crime on thousands of victims, ... We are committed not only to carrying out justice in this case but also to ensure that the rights of the victims are protected.

 An individual with that kind of situation is an individual who might know a lot about what could happen, might know the names of individuals, information being so key to intelligence and prevention,

 Analysis of the audio portion of these tapes conducted thus far suggests, based on statements made on the tapes, that the men may be trained and prepared to commit future suicide terrorist acts.

 and this is putting walls back up.

 And we seek to hold them as suspected terrorists,

 And you could as a result of that information be provided a visa which will allow you to be in the United States, allow you if necessary to work in the United States and provide a basis for your someday becoming a citizen.

 anthrax present in any other facility anywhere else in the country ... (or) in a very broad presence in the facility in Florida.

 Anyone who purposefully leaks information that has been classified is ... subordinating national security,

 are as intense today as they have ever been.

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